Money Spells

Ready to add some magic to your wallet? 

Money spells are a fun way to attract wealth and good luck. Here in this blog, we’ll guide you through different money spells and tell you the secrets to winning “your ultimate jackpot.”

So, without further ado, let’s know about money-making charm spells!

Eager to hit the jackpot fast and ethically? We are here to guide you through. Join us today and unveil the safest magic spells to attract wealth luck.

Money Spells: A Brief History of the Secrets of Jackpot

In ancient Mesopotamia, money spells and other magical rituals were used to attract wealth. Priests were experts in these practices, often advising kings on how to use spells, including money charm spells. 

In ancient Greece, the concept of magic, including spells to attract money, was frequently practiced.

As time passed, money spells continued to adapt. In the 20th century, modern pagans and Wiccans practiced spells like the green candle and cinnamon money spells. These rituals often involved using candles, herbs, and coins.

Today, money spells are more diverse and accessible. People perform money bowl spells, create money spell jars, or use the bay leaf money spell to improve their finances. 

money charm spell

5 Types of Money Spells 

Money spells are of different types, each using different tools and techniques to help attract wealth. Here are some common types:

1. Candle Spells

Candle magic is one of the easiest ways to do money spells. Here’s how to do a simple money candle spell:

  • Step 1: Pick a green candle because green represents prosperity. If you don’t have green, you can use a white candle. Green candle money spells can be quite effective if used right!
  • Step 2: Carve your name and the money you want into the candle. Rub oil on it—oil like canola or coconut will work.
  • Step 3: Roll the candle in herbs for money spells like basil or cinnamon. These herbs are believed to attract money.
  • Step 4: Light the candle and say, “Money comes, and money grows; money’s mine; to me, it flows.” Focus on what you want while watching the flame.

2. Herbal and Crystal Spells

Herbs and crystals are also powerful in money spells:

  • Herbs: Basil and cinnamon are often used. Basil is known for bringing prosperity, while cinnamon is great for increasing financial flow, especially in a cinnamon money spell.
  • Crystals: Citrine, known as the “merchant’s stone,” is believed to attract wealth.

Green Aventurine is called the “stone of opportunity” and is used to bring luck and financial success.

3. Chanting and Affirmations

Chanting and affirmations are important in money spells that work overnight:

  • Step 1: Simple phrases like “I am open to receiving abundance” help you focus on bringing in money.
  • Step 2: Regularly saying your financial goals out loud can help you believe in them and attract money.

4. Jar Spells

Jar spells for money are a fun way to attract wealth. Here’s how to make a money spell jar:

  • Step 1: You’ll need a jar, rice (for prosperity), coins or dollar bills, herbs for money spells like cinnamon and basil, and crystals like pyrite or green aventurine.
  • Step 2: Add rice to the jar first. Then, add the other ingredients while thinking about attracting money.
  • Step 3: Put a candle on top of or near the jar. Light it while you say your intentions or affirmations.
  • Step 4:  Close the jar to keep the energy inside. You can open it later to add more ingredients or light the candle again to “feed” the spell.

5. Moon Phase Money Spells

The moon’s phases can make your money charm spell more powerful:

  • Step 1: This is the best time for spells to attract money because it represents growth.
  • Step 2: A money bowl or cinnamon money spell performed on the first of the month during the full moon can strengthen the spell.

Note: Use this spell type to help reduce debt or relieve financial worries.

How to Perform a Money Spell?: A 9-Step Guide

Money spells are surefire ways through which you invite money and prosperity into your life. Following is a simple money bowl spell that you easily can try at home.

Materials Needed:

  • Green candle-For a green candle money spell, use white if you don’t have green.
  • Bowl or jar-for a money spell jar
  • Rice
  • Coins or dollar bills
  • Herbs for money spells: cinnamon, basil, and bay leaves
  • Crystals: citrine, green aventurine, or pyrite
  • Keys

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Cleanse Your Space

Smudge your workspace of any negative energy using sage, palo santo, or incense. A clean, positive space ensures that your spells about gaining more money are effective.

Step 2: Gather Your Materials

Gather all the items you will be using and put them on a clean surface where you will be working on the spell.

Step 3: Prepare the Bowl

Place rice in your bowl. Rice is a sign of prosperity and a good foundation for your money charm.

Step 4: Add Coins and Bills

Place coins or dollar bills in the bowl. As you do this, visualize money flowing into your life easily. See your financial goals coming true- that empowers your spells to attract money.

Step 5: Add Herbs

Sprinkle cinnamon and basil into the bowl. These herbs for money spells are well-known to attract wealth and success.

Tip: For an added kick, write your monetary objective on a bay leaf and place it in the bowl to create a bay leaf money spell in its most simple yet effective form.

Step 6: Add Crystals and Keys

Put your crystal of choice-citrine, green aventurine, or pyrite in the bowl. These are a few crystals said to enhance money spells that work overnight. Add keys to the bowl, which means unlocking new financial opportunities.

Step 7: Light the Green Candle

Place the green candle next to the bowl and light it. Imagine your intention and say, “Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.” 

Step 8: Let the Candle Burn

Allow the candle to burn out or for a period you see fit. Always use fire safety and never allow a lit candle out of sight.

Step 9: Seal the Spell

Place your money bowl spell in a safe, conspicuous place in your home or workplace.

You can “feed” the spell by occasionally adding more coins, herbs, or affirmations. 


Do Money Spells Work? (Here’s the Truth!)

Belief, Intent, and Science—If You Don’t Believe, it Won’t Ever Work!

If you believe that the money charm spell or a money candle spell will work for you to make you rich, then it will work.  

Such a belief sets your thoughts and actions in a way that favors attracting money. In other words, this belief in the spell causes you to make better financial decisions.

The success of these money spells, viewed from a scientific perspective, may be explained by how our minds work. For instance:

  • Placebo Effect: The placebo effect means that believing in even a fictional thing can change things for real.

If you believe some money spell jar or cinnamon money spell will get you money, you may start acting to improve your financial situation.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Factors: Money spells involving jar spells or herbs can help you rethink your attitudes towards money.

This may make you more likely to make intelligent financial decisions like budgeting or saving.

Will it Work For You? 

The power of money magic ultimately, results from a combination of belief, intent, and psychological effects. While there’s no magic guarantee, the good psychology and centered intent built by these spells can give you what you desire. 

Money Spells in Popular Culture

Money spells are becoming more popular in movies, TV shows, and social media. Here’s how these spells are represented and practiced in popular culture.

Movies and TV Shows

Money spells and magical ways to attract wealth are featured in many films and TV shows:

  • “Charmed”: In this series, witches use various money spells to attract prosperity. They often perform rituals and use magical items to boost their financial luck.
  • “The Craft”: While this movie focuses on darker themes, the characters also use spells for money and personal gain, including financial prosperity.
  • “Bewitched”: It is a classic sitcom in which the main character uses her magic to handle everyday issues, including financial ones. 

Celebrity Endorsements

Some celebrities openly talk about their interest in or practice of money spells:

  • Gabriela Herstik: A well-known figure in the witchcraft community, she discusses how belief and intention play a big role in creating money-making spells that work overnight.

    She often mentions using affirmations and creating a money spell jar as part of a broader spiritual practice.
  • Social Media Influencers: Many influencers share their experiences with money spells on Instagram and TikTok.

    They post about their rituals and tips for manifesting financial abundance, helping to make these practices more accessible.

Social Media Trends

Social media has made money spells even more popular:

  • Pinterest: At the beginning of the month, users pin ideas for various money spells, like the green candle money spell or cinnamon money spell. They share detailed instructions and personal success stories.
  • TikTok: The hashtag #moneyspell has millions of views, with creators posting quick tips and demonstrations of spells to attract money. This platform makes it easy for younger audiences to get involved.

Ethical Considerations 

Ethics are a must when it comes to casting a successful spell. Here are some of the considerations that you need to take. 

Morality and Spirituality

In practicing money magic, the ethical question often means your intentions not to succumb to greed:


The intention behind a money charm spell that one is casting is considered necessary. Like: 

Why am I doing it? To improve your life and take good care of the family or to help the community? Or out of greed and in need of unnecessary wealth? 

Spells used with good intentions, such as the Money Bowl spells for positive goals, are usually seen as ethical.


Under a greedy mindset, money spells that work overnight can turn out terribly. Most spiritual traditions follow the rule of “harm none.” 

You should consider their actions’ implications on others, and approach spells for money responsibly and humbly.

Respect Traditions

Respect for money spells its cultural roots and is a matter of ethical practice. Many money spell jars and other magical rituals are adapted from certain cultural or spiritual contexts. 

You need to be aware of one’s roots and not apply the practice without cognition of its context. This is more so when the culture is representative of a marginalized or indigenous culture.

Learning and Acknowledgment

Last but not least, you should study the customs behind herbs for money spells and green candle money spells before using them. 

Learn the history, symbolism, and cultural significance of these items. This way, you respect the tradition and the community that created it.

Where to Find Money Spells and Resources? 

Books and E-books

Following are some of the books that deal with money spells and their use:

  • “Little Book of Money Spells” by Sophia: Explains quick spells and rituals for attracting extra cash flow in life.
  • “Money Spells” by Skye Alexander: Part of the Spells & Magick series, this book contains 45 Spells to bring more money into your life.
  • “40 Money Spells: 40 Days to Wealth Consciousness” by Rev. Valerie Love: Spells and easy ways one can change his or her way of thinking and build up wealth.
  • “Money Magic: Practical Wisdom and Empowering Rituals” by Jessie Susannah Karnatz: This book provides a perfect combination of practical advice on money matters and rituals that can help you achieve your financial goals. 

Apps and Online Platforms 

Here are some places online where you can find money spells and tools:

  • Etsy: You can buy spell kits, candles, and everything else that’s made to help attract wealth.
  • Amazon: It’s a very good place to find and buy books on money spells; those above are among them.
  • Pinterest: A great site where different money spells, visual guides, and tips will be shared. 

Community Forums 

Joining online communities can facilitate learning about money spells:

  • Reddit: Subreddits like r/Witchcraft and r/Spells host discussions of money spell experiences. 
  • Facebook Groups: Many groups about witchcraft and money spells or advice about them are mentioned.
  • Online Forums: Websites like Witchvox allow forums where you can meet other people practicing spells and share your own experiences.

So, Are Money Spells for You?

Money spells can be a powerful tool for attracting wealth and enhancing your life. Give them a try and see how they work for you. Share your experiences, ask questions, or explore more about money spells to unlock your financial potential and personal growth.

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