bg3 Remove Curse Spell

bg3 Remove Curse Spell

Remove curse spells in BG3 are mainly used to cleansing spells and curses Affecting the character and items. Particularly these spells are used to deal with cursed types of equipment and apply status effects, which debilitate your warriors. In note – there is not any spell that is specifically called a “curse” in the traditional spell. But it’s known as BG3 remove curse spells to the consumers. There are various types of spells and effects, which are used in special conditions related to curse-likely.

Want to remove any generational curse which has been casted into your life for good and for more blessings to locate you in your life

Information of BG3 Remove curse spells

  •  Level – Level 3 spell of abjuration.
  • Class – Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard.
  •  Range – Touch.
  •  Casting time – One action.
  • Duration – Instantaneous.
  • Description – Touch the creature to remove curses.
  • Requires concentration – None.
  • Saving Throw – None.

Description- Touch the character or item needed to be free from the curse. The spells can allow the caster to choose several various types of curses that are affected by the afflicted target. While it has disadvantages on abilities, such as checks and attack rolls. Even also it affects the saving throws and slows down the movements. every curse lasts 10 turns depending on the ability of the target object.

bg3 remove curse spell

How to remove curse spell

  • Casting – Select the character who knows the BG3 remove curse spells . It could be the Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, or the Wizard from your team. Click on the spell menu and select the needed one to cleansing spell from the house.
  • Target– Select the cursed character or the item you want to cleanse. Select your spell to remove curse from your target.
  • Effect – Target objects can be free from any type of curse whether a debuff or a course was previously unable to unequip.

Some curse spells and effects of BG3


  • Level – 1st level enchantment spell to remove the curse.
  • Class – Warlock.
  • Casting moment – 1 Bonus Action.
  • Duration – Approximately 1 hour and concentration required.
  • Description – Creature to see the range and cause the extra necrotic damages, used to detect the hits and attacks by the caster.


  •  Level – 1st level enchantment spell.
  •  Class – Bard, Cleric, Paladin.
  • Range – 9 meters.
  • Casting moment – 1 Action.
  •  Duration – Approximately up to 10 turns and required concentration.
  •  Description – Curse three creatures in range to roll d4 and subtract the number roll against attack rolls in the period of save throwing duration.

Bestow Curse

  •  Level – 3rd level necromancy spell.
  • Class – Bard, Cleric, Wizard.
  •  Range – Touch.
  • Casting Time – 1 Action.
  • Duration – Up to 1 minute and also required connection.
  •  Description – The spell allows casters to pick the curse effect from different curses to affiliate targets.

Curse of the time ( Githyanki)

BG3 remove curse spells that have specific powers but on this one, its the most unique curse effect, which can be encountered to fight specific enemies like Gityanki. The spell is specially used to affect the character to take necrotic damage for a long and can be able to clean the remove curse spell.

Advantages of removing spells and curses

The curse removal spell works like magic to push you to achieve your next mission and helps to increase your power. It made the characters and items unbeatable in battle and allowed you to be master of the rituals of the battlefield. However, using a spell to remove a curse makes you no longer afflicted and provides benefits to level up your attacking strength. 

Most importantly, if there is still a lack of class to cast removing spells and curses or any other companions, then the alternative of finding remove curse spell 5e.

BG3 remove curse spells that are needed to strengthen the characters and items and has the push to increase your power. The concept of remove curse spell can be a little complicated for a beginner. But with proper guidance, it’s a piece of cake. 

Facts about removing curse spells in BG3

  •  Spellbook & leveling – After reaching the appropriate level, the character will automatically learn to remove curse spells. ( generally on the level-3)
  • Negative status – Various debuffs can be affected by the course and are also capable of creating disadvantages.
  • Find the cures removal spells– To get the curse removal spell, you need to look for it in different locations. So scroll until you find it.
  • Curse items – BG3 removes curse spells used on the characters and different items.

Want to remove any generational curse that has been cast into your life for good and for more blessings to locate you in your life!!

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